martes, 19 de julio de 2011

War of the Witch, Angel Haze

Name: War of the Witch
Author: Angel Haze
Series: Legacies of Talimura
Publisher: Kindle.
Format: Ebook.
Pdf version: 182 pages.
About the author: Angel Haze is a Canadian author who spent her teens watching CSI, studying forensics, and delving into the criminal mind. She is an avid read of thriller, mystery, horror, and fantasy novels.
Where can you buy it:
What goodreads says:
Debonair, a witch from the Unspoken Lands, has meddled in the forbidden practice of magic and created an army of nightmarish proportions. When sixteen-year-old Astanyx and his two best friends return from a hunting trip to find their small town of Polca reduced to smoke and ash, they find themselves thrust into a battle for which they haven't been trained.
With the help of his comrades, including an esteemed warrior, one of the last great wizards and a princess they've sworn to protect, Astanyx must fight to unite the kingdoms of the humans, dwarves and elves. He must ask forbidden questions that no one wants to answer, questions about Talimura's dark history. As Debonair's brutal warriors lay siege to the kingdoms, Astanyx is driven to pursue a fateful quest for a blade powerful enough to defeat the malevolent witch before she destroys the three kingdoms and unleashes an unspeakable ancient evil.

My opinion:
I received this book from the author for review, thank you Angel. As the second book I've read by her I have to say I'm a big fan of her writing, she can really explain the different situations her characters find themselves in without making it boring, and she makes you feel like your in the story living the adventures the characters are. 
I loved the different characters and how they interact, from Astanyx who is brave and noble to Kane who has a hidden secret (which I suspected^^ yay for me) the Princess Luccia who is not your typical damsel in distress but is able to hold herself in a fight or the evil witch Debonair who is a wicked villain with a hidden purpose.
Another thing I enjoyed was the diffrent races that fight in the war and my heart lept everytime someone mentioned the Dragons (I love those creatures) who also play an important role in the story along with the Dragon Knights.
Other secondary characters such as Soaren, Ramza, Kapella, Elric, Crypt (who's story is amazing), Locke and many more were really interesting and I want to know more about them.  But my heart goes to Barret and what happened to him. And Kasha, I loved her character although she reminded me of a legenday character named Cassandra.
Overall I loved this book and I give it 5 stars. I hope there is a sequel to follow and perhaps a prequel explaining all about the past :)
Again thank you Angel.
See you all soon.

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